Training Programs for Local Department of Social Service (LDSS) Employees

Maximus works very closely with the New York State Department of Health in developing a comprehensive course catalog to assist participants in selecting the appropriate training for all Local Department of Social Service (LDSS) employees.

Introduction to Courses 

Courses and learning resources are listed in the following order:

  • Local Department of Social Service (LDSS) New Worker Training

  • Local Department of Social Service (LDSS) Chronic Care Worker (Introductory and Advanced)

  • Technical Assistance Trainings

  • Facilitated Enrollment Courses

  • Qualified Provider Courses

While in the virtual training format, trainings can be requested by counties that have at least ten (10) trainees to train.  All virtual trainings have a maximum capacity of twenty-five (25) trainees.  If you would like to schedule a training for your staff, please send us an email at

LDSS Multi-Day Trainings: Welcome Module

Below is a video for our Welcome Module for our Multi-Day trainings, if you have not previously attended an LDSS training, we suggest you view this video to acclimate yourselves to Absorb, our Learning Management System (LMS) and the resources you will need for your upcoming Multi-Day training.

New LDSS Workers: Instructor-Led (7-Day Training)

Target Audience: LDSS Medicaid eligibility staff who have limited experience with a Medicaid caseload, and other staff as determined by the New York State Department of Health (NYS DOH).

This seven-day training session provides participants with an introduction to New York State's Medicaid program, with a focus on the eligibility for individuals who need community-based medical care.

As a result of the training, participants will be able to: 

  • Identify the various public health insurance programs available to New York State residents.

  • Separate applying household members into distinct categories

  • Recognize the different levels of eligibility within the Community Medicaid program.

  • Interpret and apply community Medicaid eligibility policy and budgeting methodology.

Summarize applicant's eligibility decisions based on information submitted and budgeting results.

LDSS Chronic Care Workers: Instructor-Led (4-Day Training)

Target Audience: LDSS Medicaid eligibility staff persons that have minimum experience with a Chronic Care caseload, and other staff as determined by the New York State Department of Health (NYS DOH).

This is a four-day training session focusing on determining eligibility for institutionalized individuals and individuals who receive services from home and community-based programs.

As a result of the training, participants will be able to: 

  • Explain the handling of different sources of income

  • Describe the processes related to excess resources and Medicaid eligibility

  • Define key issues related to spouses

  • Explain the procedures related to transfers of assets

  • Explain the handling of different types of resources

LDSS Advanced Chronic Care Workers: Instructor-Led (4-Day Training)

Target Audience: Training for Local Departments of Social Services (LDSS) Chronic Care Workers.

This is a four-day training, focusing on determination of eligibility for institutionalized individuals and individuals receiving services from MLTC. Participants will review 5 case studies comprised of applications, Supplement A as well as all supporting documents. This is an advanced class; participants are required to have a minimum of twelve months experience actively working on chronic care cases.

As a result of the training, participants will be able to: 

  • Review MAGI as it relates to nursing home applicants

  • Evaluate types and values of resources and income

  • Identify transfers and the effect on applications/recipient

  • Complete budgeting processes for single institutional and spousal A/R's

  • Determining coding for principal provider and eMedNY

LDSS Technical Assistance Trainings


These TA training topics are determined by Regional Medicaid Consortium. If a LDSS is unable to meet their training needs through their Regional Medicaid Consortium, a district may request on-site agency training days for their staff. If a LDSS requests training and does not have the minimum recommended class size, it is responsible for inviting a neighboring LDSS to participate in the training.

Key Topics Covered: Training topics are identified by Regional Medicaid Consortia based on identified needs. They generally cover more in-depth information than is included in the New LDSS Worker or LDSS Chronic Care Worker curricula but can include other Medicaid eligibility policies and guidelines. TA topics include: 

LDSS Technical Assistance Trainings: Welcome Module

Below is a video for our Welcome Module for our Technical Assistance trainings, if you have not previously attended an LDSS training, we suggest you view this video to acclimate yourselves to Absorb, our Learning Management System (LMS) and the resources you will need for your upcoming Technical Assistance training.

LDSS Technical Assistance Trainings: Instructor-Led

Target Audience: LDSS Medicaid eligibility staff and other staff as determined by the New York State Department of Health (NYS DOH).

Maximus will provide half and full-day Technical Assistance (TA) trainings to meet the needs of the Local Departments of Social Services (LDSS). These TA sessions focus on many different Medicaid eligibility topics.

+ Documentation Requirements (1-day training)

This full-day program reviews the documentation requirements for New York State Medical Assistance Programs. Factors of eligibility that must be documented and those that do not need to be documented are discussed. In addition, Citizenship/Identity policies regarding primary documents and other acceptable levels of documentation are explored. A discussion regarding the Renewal Simplification and Financial Maintenance policies is also included.

As a result of the training, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the documentation policy for Medicaid applicants and recipients who apply through LDSS
  • Differentiate the facts of eligibility that must be verified vs. those that do not require verification
  • Understand the citizenship and identity verification requirements
  • Identify which documents are acceptable forms of verification
  • Recognize applications and/ or renewals which will require clarification of financial requirements

  • + eMedNY: Health Insurance Premium Payments (HIPP)& Medicare Insurance Premium Payments (MIPP) Cost Analysis Training (1 day training)

    This full-day presentation will encompass all the processes involved with determining whether a Medicaid applicant/recipient's health insurance is cost effective and how to create and authorize health insurance payments using the eMedNY HIPP/MIPP application. An explanation for creating new HIPP/MIPP payees, third party policies, writing and authorizing payments is included. Various MOBIUS reports related to these processes will also be discussed.

    As a result of the training, participants will be able to:

  • Review Health Insurance Premium Payment (HIPP)/Medicare Insurance Premium Payment (MIPP)
  • Distinguish the functions of the new eMedNY system including creating payees, policies and payments
  • Demonstrate how to navigate the eMedNY site
  • Indicate which programs require a cost analysis and how to complete one using the eMedNY system
  • Understand the various MOBIUS reports and identify required follow-up actions

  • + Excess Income (1-day training)

    This full-day program covers the basic principles of the Excess Income policy and its application. It will review the impact of the six-month accounting period and provide a number of examples illustrating the application of Excess Income policy. The Pay-In Subsystem and the Principal Provider Subsystem will also be briefly discussed.

    As a result of the training, participants will be able to:

  • Review the Medicaid Excess Income Program policy
  • Explanation of who is eligible to participate with the Excess Income program
  • How the excess income amount is determined
  • Distinguish the types of Medicaid coverage to be authorized
  • Factors which affect applicability of bills
  • Explanation of the Medicaid Pay-In Program
  • Distinguish the functions of the WMS Pay In and Principal Provider Sub Systems

  • + Immigration Eligibility (1-day training)

    This full-day program will review Immigration categories including the Qualified and Permanently Residing Under Color of Law (PRUCOL) immigration status. The session will also assist workers in determining the documentation that supports each immigration status. Emergency Medicaid coverage will also be addressed.

    As a result of the training, participants will be able to:

  • Interpret immigrant eligibility guidelines for government funded health insurance programs
  • Identify the different immigration statuses
  • Recognize immigrants’ concerns
  • Review acceptable forms of documentation
  • Understand WMS coding for each immigrant category

  • + Medicaid Continuations for Supplemental Security Income (½-day training)

    This half-day program will cover Medicaid Continuations that are triggered by the loss of eligibility for Supplemental Security Income (SSI). These situations include Pickle, Disabled Adult Child (DAC), 1619(a) & (b), and Widow/Widower cases.

    As a result of the training, participants will be able to:

  • Understand Auto SDX process
  • Distinguish the different MA Continuation programs specific to SSI individuals
  • Identify the fields on the SDX to determine appropriate MA Continuation program eligibility

  • + Medicare Savings Program (1-day training)

    This full-day program covers eligibility for Qualified Medicare Beneficiaries (QMB) and Qualifying Individuals (QI). A brief review of the Qualified Disabled and Working Individuals (QDWI) Category will also be included. The eMedNY system and the entries required by this program will also be addressed in the presentation.

    As a result of the training, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the different parts of Medicare coverage available and the coverage provided
  • Determine who is eligible for the Medicare Savings
  • Understand the benefits available with each MSP category
  • Review and make entries into the eMedNY system

  • + Real Property (½-day training)

    This half-day program will review a variety of issues related to homesteads and other non-income producing real property. Included will be the definition of a homestead, Medicaid policy on mortgages held by Applicant/Recipients (A/Rs), life estate issues, reverse mortgages and liens on homesteads and non-income producing real property.

    As a result of the training, participants will be able to:

  • Interpret the interaction of home-based assets on eligibility
  • Explain when a homestead is exempt
  • Discuss life estates, mortgages and promissory notes.

  • + Resource Analysis (1-day training)

    This full-day program reviews resources most commonly found in Chronic Care cases, including stocks, bonds, and brokerage accounts. A method for tracking assets moved from one investment instrument to another (selling stock in one brokerage account, moving the resulting funds to a bank account or re- investing the money into other stocks or bonds) will be reviewed for use in identifying transfers during the look-back period. Treatment of Retirement Funds and Annuities as an income or a resource is covered as well as Income Producing Property. Life Insurance, Burial Funds and Irrevocable Pre-Need Funeral Agreements will also be reviewed.

    As a result of the training, participants will be able to:

  • Interpret SSI-Related policies related to proper sequence to be used in the assessment of burial funds and space items as resources
  • Determine the value of an annuity
  • Distinguish between the treatment of an annuity with transactions before and after DRA legislation
  • Track and assess a variety of resources for possible transfer
  • Evaluate types and values of resources, including life insurance, burial funds, stocks, bonds, and mutual funds

  • + Resource Attestation (½-day training)

    This half-day program reviews the Medicaid benefit package available for different levels of resource documentation. A discussion of appropriate application and the Welfare Management System (WMS) coding required for each benefit package will also be included.

    As a result of the training, participants will be able to:

  • Indicate which applicant/recipients are subject to a Resource Test.
  • Distinguish the difference between the three different resource verification options. Attestation, documentation of current resources, and full resource review.
  • Understand the various Medicaid Coverage Choices for SSI-R applicant/recipients.
  • Explain how to authorize Medicaid Coverage in WMS based on the coverage choice and type of resource verification received.
  • Demonstrate the appropriate process for an SSI-R recipient who has a change in need.

  • + Retirement Income and Annuities (1-day training)

    This full-day program will review the types of tax-qualified funds (including pensions, supplemental retirement funds and individual retirement accounts) that may be owned by clients applying for Medicaid benefits. The Medicaid policy on these holdings will be discussed including Spousal Impoverishment situations. This program will also review the basic annuity terms, the types and uses of annuities, Medicaid policy on annuities, and transfer implications.

    As a result of the training, participants will be able to:

  • Determine the value of a Retirement fund
  • Determine the value of Annuity
  • Distinguish between the treatment of an Annuity with transactions before and after DRA legislation

  • + Self-Employment (1-day training)

    This full-day program addresses the treatment of income and resources associated with various self- employment situations, including sole proprietorships, partnerships, S corporations and rental property. The program includes a discussion on income tax schedules associated with the various self- employment situations, allowable income and resource disregards and exemptions for MAGI-Like, SSI-Related, and ADC-Related categories

    As a result of the training, participants will be able to:

  • Identify deductions allowed by IRS to arrive at net profit
  • List steps necessary to determine net income when a business is new or when tax returns are not filed
  • Understand the Self-Employment worksheet to be used by applicants/recipients (A/Rs) to calculate their monthly business income
  • Complete the 6%-rate-of-return test
  • Identify IRS forms and schedules used to calculate Sole Proprietorship, partnership and “S” corporation profits/losses

  • + Spousal Impoverishment (1-day training)

    This full-day program reviews the budgeting methodology for Spousal Impoverishment cases. The program includes completion of the Spousal Budgeting forms including the calculation of the Community Spouse Resource Allowance (CSRA), countable resources, Monthly Maintenance Needs Allowance (MMNA), Family Member Needs allowance, and Net Available Monthly Income (NAMI) for the Institutionalized Spouse. Increasing the CSRA to meet a shortfall in MMNA is also discussed.

    As a result of the training, participants will be able to:

  • Explain the spousal impoverishment budgeting process
  • Complete processes related to institutionalized and community spousal budgeting
  • Explain the budget options for individuals participating in a HCBS Waiver Program

  • + Supplemental Security Income-Related Budgeting (Income) (1-day training)

    This full-day program reviews deeming and allocation, Spouse-to-Spouse deeming (i.e. eligibility for Supplemental Security Incomes (SSI)-Related adults) and Parent-to-Child deeming (i.e. eligibility for SSI-Related children). The focus will be on the income budgeting and manual Medicaid Eligibility Budgeting Logic (MBL) budgets also will be used in the review. A brief review of the Medicaid Buy-In Program for Working People with Disabilities (MBI-WPD) will also be included.

    As a result of the training, participants will be able to:

  • Identify allowable income exemptions and disregards for persons eligible for SSI-related Community budgeting
  • Understand the household size policy for SSI-Related Community budgeting
  • Describe the Allocation and Deeming Process of the SSI-Related Budgeting Process
  • Identify the appropriate MABEL codes needed for an SSI-Related Community Budget
  • Demonstrate how MABEL calculates income eligibility for SSI-Related Community Budgets

  • + Transfer of Assets (1-day training)

    This full-day program covers the basic Transfer policy: the look-back period, what constitutes a transfer, allowable transfers, Undue Hardship provisions, and resources vs. stream of income, determination of the Uncompensated Value (UV), calculation of the penalty period, and the implementation and impact of transfer penalty. Also included are the new rules and regulations enacted in 2006 from the Federal Deficit Reduction Act of 2005, including Promissory Notes and Life Estates.

    As a result of the training, participants will be able to:

  • Explain the procedures related to transfers of assets for applicants/recipients
  • Distinguish between the treatment of an annuity with transactions before and after DRA legislation as they relate to transfer policies
  • Explain the effects of Life Estate on transfer

  • + Trusts (1-day training)

    This full-day program reviews the types of trusts most often encountered in Medicaid caseloads. Definition of common trust terms, the role of trustee and his/her discretion, treatment of trusts where the Applicant/Recipient (A/R) is grantor and/or beneficiary, Medicaid Qualifying trusts, Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA) '93 trusts, and Exception and Supplemental Needs Trusts will be discussed.

    As a result of the training, participants will be able to:

  • Identifying types of Trusts funds
  • Distinguish the difference between MQT’s and OBRA 93 Trusts
  • Distinguish the difference between Revocable and Irrevocable Trusts
  • Distinguish the difference between individual Exception Trusts and Pooled Exception Trusts
  • Determine countable income/resources of Trusts
  • Here is a printable list of all the LDSS training courses including a brief course description, the course duration and the method of delivery.

    Qualified Provider Courses

    The following courses will be available for Qualified Providers as a computer-based training (CBT). It includes the following trainings.

    • Family Planning Benefit Program (FPBP)

      This five (5) module computer-based training series provides an overview of the Family Planning Benefit Program (FPBP).  It covers the screening process for Presumptive Eligibility (PE), provides a complete review of the application for FPBP (DOH-4282), and reviews the documentation that is required for continued eligibility.  This training series also covers the 24-month post-partum Family Planning Extension Program (FPEP).

      Total Running Time: 2 hours 25 minutes

    • Presumptive Eligibility (PE) for Pregnant Individuals

      This seven (7) module computer-based training series provides an overview of the presumptive eligibility process for pregnant individuals.  It explains how to complete the Medicaid Presumptive Eligibility for Pregnant Individuals Screening Form (DOH-5524), how to complete a determination letter and how to accurately complete the Access NY Application (DOH-4220).  This training also covers special populations and the documentation requirements for pregnant individuals.  There is also information on Expanded Eligibility and Coverage for Infants and Other Family Members.

      Total Running Time: 2 hours 10 minutes

    • Presumptive Eligibility (PE) for Children under 19 (Coming Soon)

    Register for a Course: Process for LDSS Employees

    Local Department of Social Services (LDSS) staff must coordinate with their Manager/Staff Development Coordinator (SDC) in order to register for trainings. 

    Please be advised that ONLY staff who determine Medicaid eligibility are eligible for access, these roles include;

    • Medicaid Examiners

    • Senior Medicaid Examiners

    • Principal/Medicaid Supervisors

    The Manager/SDC will need to complete the ACCESS REQUEST FORM - LDSS on your behalf to register staff in Absorb.  When finished, the Manager/SDC will email the form to

    Once we receive the Access Request Form, Maximus staff will validate your information and finalize the learners Absorb registration.  Trainees will receive an email confirmation within one (1) business day.  Upon receipt of this email, trainees can click on the Absorb link provided and create their password.  

    Please note:

    • Trainees should check all applicable folders for this email, i.e. spam or junk.  If the email went to one of those folders, please mark the sender as “Safe,” as additional emails are generated upon course enrollment.

    • Be sure to store your Absorb username and password in a safe, secure place for future use.

    • This is a one-time only registration process to establish your Absorb access.

    Once registered, trainees can now coordinate with their Manager/Staff Development Coordinator (SDC) to access and enroll in LDSS courses and technical assistance trainings, both online and instructor-led, as well as other computer-based trainings in Absorb.

    Enroll:  Select Course and Enroll in a Training

    Once trainees have been registered in the Absorb Learning Management System, SDC’s can request training by using the Training Request Form found below.  Please check the Training Calendar for a list of available trainings for your location.  Once enrolled, trainees will be able to access all course materials and training resources.

    ABSORB Tutorial Video

    Staff Development Coordinators (SDC’s) have the ability to view the enrollments of their staff once they are enrolled in trainings.  SDC’s can also run reports in order to view a comprehensive list of the trainings that staff have completed.  Below is a video to assist SDC’s in using our Learning Management System (LMS).

    In addition to the tutorial video, SDC’s may also reference the below document to assist in using the Absorb Learning Management System.